Innovation day

I have made a Innovation day reflection. Here is my procedure, hypothesis, materials, procedure, and Conclusion.


How can we provide electricity to community outdoor spaces in an energy efficient way that still maintains the safety and “fun” aesthetic of the space?




We think that the maglev train will work because there are real maglev trains in real life. In Japan there is one of the only maglev trains in the world. It is also the fastest maglev train in the world right now. 



We used cardboard, magnetic tape, hot glue, and duct tape.



One of the biggest obstacles for our group was the positioning of the tracks

It took us so long to figure out the right positioning luckily after a lot of trial and error we managed to finally get it right.Another obstacle was the thing that we were building was very hard for everyone to work on it at the same time so we decided that two people would write and one person would build and the person building would switch after a certain amount of time. 



In conclusion I think that our maglev train was really cool and alot of people that came to our station said our project was really cool.

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